Monday, April 16, 2007

XBL Kidnapper: "If I Weren't In Jail, I'd Be Playing Final Fantasy"

Disturbed pizza manager Michael Devlin kidnaps two boys, gets caught, put on suicide watch and all he wants to do is play Final Fantasy XI. If he hadn't gotten captured, one shudders to think what he'd be doing. But Devlin says:

"I'd be in front of my computer screen playing Final Fantasy XI. I like Final Fantasy because it has a network that can connect to people all over the world, from Europe to Japan. "

A ringing endorsement of networked gaming! Ugh. Under the name "DevilDevlin," he used a picture of one of the kidnapped boys for his GamerTagPic. On January 11th, he got in a round of Final Fantasy XI before the children were rescued. But with no FF in the slammer, Devlin's doing things like reading another inmate's copy of Death Wish, the novel which the Charles Bronson films are based on. How's that for prison rehabilitation.,2933,245363,00.html

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