Saturday, June 16, 2007

Movies - Paul Thomas Anderson's "There Will Be Blood" Trailer

Via Obsessed With Film:
"Paul Thomas Anderson’s Magnolia split audiences right down the middle. I know people who love the movie and think it’s a remarkably emotional and important character drama but then again I know people who absolutely hate it and call it a pretentious piece of garbage with a criminal ending.

I’m somewhere in the middle. I find it emotionally draining to sit through the film in one go but I find the performance of the acting talent involved extremely rewarding and despite it’s clunky narrative, I think on the whole I liked it.

At least the movie had something to say anyway.

I’ve never seen his follow up Punch Drunk Love but I know a lot of critics love it which is quite an achievement considering it stars Adam Sandler.

So onto There Will Be Blood starring the awesome Daniel Day Lewis and a rather gripping trailer has been released below. It’s extremely effective and at the end of the day a movie with Daniel Day Lewis involved is so rare these days, so I have to see this, even if he does go bald for the flick…"

"Magnolia" is one of my favorite movies of all time. I can understand why some people didn't care for it (most simply didn't understand it), but myself, like many film enthusiasts, thought it was utterly amazing. "Punch-Drunk Love" and "Boogie Nights" are two more Paul Thomas Anderson films that are high up in my favorite movies of all time. On top of P.T. Anderson making phenomenal films, Daniel Day-Lewis is a fucking fantastic actor and is making me look forward to this movie even more. His relatively recent role in the movie "Gangs of New York" was top-notch and I look forward to seeing him in P.T. Anderson's next masterpiece.

"There Will Be Blood" is the story about family, greed, religion, and oil, centered around a turn-of-the-century Texas prospector (Daniel Day-Lewis) in the early days of the business. The film is based on the 1927 Upton Sinclair novel titled "Oil," and is scheduled to hit theaters on November 21st, in limited release. Enjoy the trailer below.


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