Friday, June 22, 2007

Music - New Bright Eyes Video - "Hot Knives"

"Conor once again enlists the estimable Patrick Daughters to produce his vid for a standout from Cassadaga, and Oberst is granted his request that this studio-performance clip kindly not include a trash-chucking crowd thank you very much. But Daughters does bring back the tight, Bright face shots; swells the ranks of Oberst's Eyes to include a sweet string section; and keeps 'em all in their tour-standard white-on-white. Conor won't confess to being "fucked" this go around, so crank it up and let the kids in the room, as long as seeing Conor's locks won't be too traumatizing for them."

The song's alright, the video's alright, but nothing amazing. Bright Eyes is a fantastic band though and I'm enjoying their newest album "Cassadaga". I'm not a big fan of them censoring lyrics in the vid, but it's understandable, enjoy the new video above.


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