Friday, April 20, 2007

Movies - Hot Fuzz Getting Screwed Like Children of Men?

It looks like Hot Fuzz isn't getting the amount of screens it deserves, just like Children of Men. I was really looking forward to seeing it this weekend, looks like I'll be waiting. Do yourselves a favor, and go see this goddamn movie if you're lucky enough to have it at a theater near you this weekend! If I were to recommend seeing anything this weekend in theaters, this would be the movie.

"Tomorrow one of this year's greatest original comedic creations, Hot Fuzz, debuts in theaters across this nation. It's the next film from the same team that created Shaun of the Dead. But there's a problem. It's not getting 3000 screens, it's hardly getting a wide release at all, in fact only 825 screens. Sound a bit like some other movies you know? Children of Men or Grindhouse even. A movie that has incredible buzz and that should be the big hit and #1 movie this coming weekend is going to be lost into oblivion not because no one wanted to see it, but because its released is getting screwed over.

The biggest claim is that it just doesn't have the draw or attention, despite being a follow up to Shaun of the Dead. They're pretty much completely wrong on that assumption. Even look at the impromptu poll on Box Office Mojo that lists Hot Fuzz with the highest percentage in terms of movies people want to see. Out of 1000+ voters, Hot Fuzz has 35.8%, the highest over Disturbia next at 12.8%, for top choice of movie to see this coming weekend. Given this poll doesn't represent everyone, I know that this movie would easily slide into #1 if given the chance plus the right exposure and right marketing. Why are they letting it slide?

The demand for this movie is very high, or I could even say curiosity for it, yet they're not letting it build, in the same way they did with Shaun of the Dead where it only really blew up into a mainstream success once it hit DVD. Why are studios so insistent that films will fail in theaters?! Can't they give them a chance! Yes, things like Focus Features’ Catch a Fire and Firehouse Dog and The Reaping are bound to fail, but Hot Fuzz is bound to surpass all expectations. Look what it already did in Europe - it's one the biggest grossing film in UK history! I think it was #1 in the UK for 3 or 4 weeks in a row!

The best thing we can do is encourage everyone who's interested to go to whatever theater that's playing it, find it, and watch it! No matter how far you have to drive, it will be worth it. Even if you're the slightest Shaun of the Dead fan, this film is an experience on its own that you will definitely no regret seeing in theaters with a crowd as excited as you. We can only hope Focus Features realizes their mistake and realizes how much more they could've made. Maybe in the future they need to be at another studio that knows how to better handle their films? Maybe…

If there are any of you out there who really want to support this film and make sure it's not lost in the mix, then spread the word as far and as wide as you can!! Show them they've made a big mistake and that Hot Fuzz is one of the best films of the year and should be seen by all in theaters!!"


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