Monday, April 16, 2007

Why "Children of Men" is the Best Picture of the Year

posted this a while ago, but the movie was so good I'm gonna repost it on my new blog, it's on DVD now, go fucking pick it up!

VIDEO CONTAINS SPOILERS! Alfonso CuarĂ³n's amazing dystopian vision "Children of Men" is apparently being completely ignored by Universal and dumped quietly at the box office despite glowing praise from critics. I made this short to hopefully help generate more buzz behind this overlooked masterpiece.
"Children of Men" is one of the most poignant and creative films of the past decade, yet Universal, the Film's distributor, has left the film with a non-existent advertising campaign and little press. This amazing film is being ignored by a majority of film goers, and even the film industry. Do not let a movie like this go unrecognized!
Saw this video posted on, i guess whoever made it is trying to get more people to see it. However, it contains a lot of scenes from the movie, some of which were not in the trailer (cause the movie was leaked on the internet in like November, i downloaded it but refused to watch it until i could see it in the theaters =p) So it might be best to just watch the trailer and read reviews. i posted at the bottom links. I saw this in theaters twice, and I agree with the critic reviews 100%, this movie was fucking amazing, one of, if not the best movie i saw end of 2006/beginning of 2007 year. I strongly recommend it.

many reviews are quite lengthy, but i found a short one i felt sums up this movie pretty well:
Some things need no words. In short, “Children of Men” is brilliant.

The film, a devastating look into the near-future collapse and extinction of the human race, is seared onto the screen with unflinching bravura by director Alfonso Cuaron. Endless adjectives could feebly attempt to describe his techniques in this film, and fail utterly; suffice it to say that a better directing job has not been seen in theaters in years, if not decades. Two sequences in particular will be required study by film students from now on. Absolutely stunning.

Briefly, the film presents a glimpse into a future in which women are infertile, and the human race nears extinction. Society collapses. Then, a girl named Kee is found pregnant, and it becomes the duty of an office worker named Theodore (Clive Owen) to ensure her safe passage through the war-torn land and into the hands of doctors who can save her child, and humanity.

The performances are completely real. Owen shines as a man numbed by the world around him. Julianne Moore, as Theodore’s ex-wife, has a small but grounded turn. And Michael Caine nearly steals the film in the role of Thoedore’s best friend, a pot-smoking philosopher.

The world Cuaron creates is totally submersive; you are surrounded on all sides by decay, grime, hatred, and shocking violence. The special effects integrate perfectly into the hand-held shots, and some of the long, long takes in this film are so incredible in both their immediacy and technical complexity that I can scarcely believe that he pulled it off. As simply a technical exercise, “Children of Men” is a landmark achievement.

Without a doubt, “Children of Men” is the best film I have seen in several years. A remarkable, towering cinematic experience

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