Sunday, July 1, 2007

Movies - Danny Boyle Plans Another "28" Movie

"We knew back in March that Danny Boyle (28 Days Later) was planning a third installment in the "28" franchise and now ShockTillYouDrop caught up with the man to get an update. "Oh, we've definitely got an idea of where it'll turn next but who knows if it'll ever happen," Boyle explained.

The studio responsible for "28 Weeks Later," Fox Atomic, has stated that it will be cutting back on horror movies. So, will this announcement hurt the possibility of a third "28" movie?

"That's complicated because the series is big in the U.S. so I don't think we ever could. But let's see, we definitely got an idea of the next one," he said.

The original "28 Days Later," which Boyle directed, earned a total $82.7 million worldwide, on an $8 million budget. The sequel, "28 Weeks Later," which Boyle produced, earner $48.8 million on an undisclosed budget."

Awesome news. I'm a big fan of the original "28 Days Later" and Danny Boyle in general. "28 Weeks Later" was also a very good zombie movie, just in a slightly different way. I'm really glad to see Danny Boyle jumping back into the series, can't wait for the next film if/when it's released.


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