Monday, July 2, 2007

Music - New Smashing Pumpkins Video - "Tarantula"

"In which we learn for what those green screens were to be used: to more easily incorporate faux-Pumpkins without Billy having to meet-and-greet 'em; so an array of Mac screen savers could rule the horizon line; and so that Billy can shoot frickin' lasers out his eyes, seamlessly and without looking bizarre and eccentric just for the sake of it (wouldn't want that). Don't worry, there's something for the old-school Billy lovers, too! Take it to 3:21 for a one-second shot of Corgan sans shower curtain. (via AOL's Spinner site)"

Love the song, though I'm not sure about the video. Oh well, enjoy the new Smashing Pumpkins single above.


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