Sunday, April 15, 2007

Entertainment for the Elite

Welcome gamers, geeks, trolls, film enthusiasts, music lovers, and internet addicts to a blog site dedicated to you; the hardcore and the elite. Welcome to a one-stop place for everything video games, movies, music, and various internet ramblings. Daily videos, news, reviews, rants and posts about everything you should care about will be posted here in my blog. I weed out the crap and post only what i care about and everything you should care about too. Major template redesign and content to be added soon, check back often for latest news about hardcore video games, indie music, the very best movies, and only the best of the best internet hilarity.


DLoew said...


luckys said...

Really cool deleted scene that reminds me of many old-school Kung Fu movies that used the same music, camera zoom, cheesy voice sync, and etc. However it was probably deleted for obvious reasons; it wouldn't have flowed very well at all with the movie, it just doesn't fit. Still an awesome scene I wouldn't mind seeing on its own, maybe played between the two movies as a short or a trailer.