Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Movies - Blade Runner 5 Disc Special Edition DVD

"The full specs of the new Blade Runner DVD have been revealed. Film Ick have got the scoop, and I have to say this DVD is an absolute MUST HAVE.

We already know that Ridley Scott has been re-shooting scenes with Joanna Cassidy for this ultimate and definitive version of this movie. Let’s just hope he hasn’t given George Lucas any ideas about his Star Wars trilogy.

It comes packaged in a briefcase…

Disc 1 - The Final Cut (2007):
Ridley Scott’s definitive new version. Deleted and extended scenes edited into the film, extra dialogue, better - and sometimes just plain new -special effects.

Disc 2 - Three Complete Versions of the film:
The 1982 US Theatrical version
The 1982 International Theatrical version
The1992 “Director’s Cut”

Disc 3 - Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner

A newly minted documentary. Described as “mainstream-friendly yet meaningful”. Will cover everything from the birth of Dick’s original book to the legacy (that is, rip-offs) of the feature film.

Disc 4 – Bonus Material:
Divided into the categories Inception, Pre-production, Production, Post-production, Release and Legacy.

Disc 5 - Work Print Version & More Bonus Material:
This may include Channel 4’s Edge of Bladerunner doc.

Also in the box? A little lenticular image, a model spinner an origami unicorn, some photgraphic prints, a letter from Ridley Scott. Yep - that’s right. A letter from Ridley Scott. Not personally to you, but very possibly signed.

The DVD will probably released sometime around Christmas. The pic come from Ezy DVD who are an Australian site taking pre-orders on the set."

Thanks to Obsessed With Film for the scoop, I'm really excited for this DVD. For all the details on it, head on over to Ezy DVD.


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