Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Movies - Kurt Russell Hates the "Grindhouse" Split

Via FilmWad:
"Tarantino and Rodriguez's Grindhouse is really turning in to a debacle of epic proportions. First it was the nasty, nasty bomb it made at the box office, underperforming far worse than anyone could've imagined. Then it was old Harvery Scissorhands jumping and demanding that the film be sliced in half for a second theatre release as well as the DVD release, as always undermining the concept and idea behind the project to scrape up a few more dollars.

Now its Kurt Russell, star of Tarantino's 'Deathproof', voicing his dissenting opinion on the Weinstein's decision to hack the film in two:

"I'm disappointed for any audience that they won't get the Grindhouse experience. … These [two] movies are going to go out there by themselves and they'll live their own life, but my prediction is that 20 years from now, you'll want the Grindhouse experience."

And he's right. This movie was made to emulate a much loved way of filmmaking from the 1970s. It isn't called Grindhouse for nothing. Tarantino and Rodriguez, students of this kind of film, had a fantastic concept (and from what I've heard a great execution) that was marketed poorly, and now the studios are scrambling to save their asses, in the process draining the artistic merit from the film.

I'm sure both movies play just as well on their own, but the experience is gone. Sitting in a dark theatre for three hours. Seeing two films, completely different from each, chock full of gore and sex and exploitation. Leaving the theatre absolutely stuffed with film love. That's gone."

I'm going to have to agree with Russell on this one. It sucks that European audiences are going to have to see the "double feature" as two separate films entirely at theaters, and it sucks even more that a lot of Americans missed out on the Grindhouse experience.


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