Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Movies - "Serenity" Special Edition Specs and Cover Art

"Not too long ago, a 2-disc special edition of Joss Whedon's "Serenity" was announced, and now Universal gave the DVDs a date, which is August 21st. In addition, the studio released a cover, which you can check out by clicking on the link below.

Thanks to DVDActive.com and Cinematical.com, here are all the bonus material you can expect on the 2-disc special edition. Italicized items were not part of the single-disc release."

* Audio commentary with writer/director Joss Whedon
* Audio commentary with Whedon and actors Nathan Fillion, Adam Baldwin, Summer Glau and Ron Glass
* Joss Whedon introduction
* Deleted scenes with optional Whedon words
* Extended scenes
* Outtakes
* Featurettes:
* "Take a Walk on Serenity"
* "Green Clan"
* "We'll Have a Fruity Oaty Good Time!"
* "A Filmmaker's Journey"
* "Future History: The Story of Earth That Was"
* "Re-lighting the Firefly"
* "What's in a Firefly?"
* "Session 416"

I never picked up the original Serenity DVD release, but it looks like I'll definitely being picking this version up. Serenity was such a fantastic film and I would strongly recommend it along with the series Firefly.

Click here to check out the DVD cover


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