Saturday, June 30, 2007

Movies - Extended "Bourne Ultimatum" Trailer

"Here is an extended trailer for the upcoming third installment in the "Bourne" franchise, entitled "The Bourne Ultimatum." In it, we get to see lots of new scenes, which include amazing action sequences, plot details and the new characters that appear in the film.

In the movie, still suffering from amnesia and determined to finally learn of his true identity, Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) is lured out of hiding to make contact with a journalist named Simon Ross, who has been following his story. Throughout his research, Ross has gathered up valuable information about Bourne and Treadstone, the organization that trained him.

Director Paul Greengrass, who took over for Doug Liman after the first part, is looking to release the film on August 3rd."

Fantastic trailer. Looks to be another great "Bourne" film, I'm looking forward to it.

Click here to see the new trailer over at Apple Trailers [QT:S:M:L:480p:720p:1080p].


Movies - Extended "Sunshine" Trailer

"Here is a very detailed trailer for the upcoming Danny Boyle (28 Days Later) film, entitled "Sunshine." The story takes place in the future, during which the Sun is dying, along with the Earth. The only hope is to send a team of astronauts to detonate a massive, highly energetic bomb and restore the Sun's natural state.

The trailer is a bit too extended, showing lots of revealing scenes and more information than I would like before heading to the theater. However, I believe it got its point across, as it looks like an extremely tense, emotional and character driven sci-fi film.

Boyle re-unites with Cillian Murphy on "Sunshine," but has also brought on Chris Evans (Fantastic Four), Michelle Yeoh and Cliff Curtis to round out the cast. After many delays, the film has finally settled on July 20th as its release date."

I'm really excited to see this movie, I just hope this trailer didn't give away too much for me, it was rather detailed and perhaps a bit too long. Still an excellent trailer, just might have given away too much of the plot and events of the film.

Click here to see the extended trailer over at Apple Trailers [QT:M].


Friday, June 29, 2007

Music - The Beatles vs. Nine Inch Nails "Come Closer Together"

Great mashup of The Beatles's "Come Together" and Nine Inch Nails's "Closer". I believe the actual title of the mashup is "Come Closer" by DJ Zebra. The MP3 can be downloaded from here. Great song, enjoy.


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Video Games - New 'Grand Theft Auto IV' Trailer

"Rockstar has released a new trailer for its imminent controversy fodder, Grand Theft Auto IV. The new trailer, Looking for the special someone, shows some more details of our European hero's search for his missing family member in Liberty City. It looks fantastic and pretty damn intriguing, possibly the most story driven GTA yet? Judging by this trailer, it certainly seems like the plot will be an epic one."

Looking good, can't wait to play this game. Enjoy the second GTA IV trailer above.


Movies - Intense "Eastern Promises" Trailer

"Here is the violent trailer for the upcoming David Cronenberg film "Eastern Promises." The story is of a mysterious and ruthless man (Viggo Mortensen), who is tied to one of London's most notorious organized crime families. His carefully maintained existence is jarred when he crosses paths with an innocent midwife (Naomi Watts) trying to right a wrong.

The trailer starts out with Watts getting her hands on a girl's diary. In an attempt to return it, she comes across the Russian mafia. You have to love Mortensen's Russian accent; it's dead on.

"Eastern Promises" re-unites Mortensen with Cronenberg after the 2005 "A History of Violence." Joining the cast is also the amazing French actor Vincent Cassel, who you might know from "Derailed" and "Ocean's Twelve." "Eastern Promises" hits theaters on
September 14th, in limited release."

I am a big fan of David Cronenberg, with films like "Videodrome", "The Fly", and recently "A History of Violence", I'm expecting big things from this movie. I'm loving the cast, Viggo Mortensen is just so amazing. The trailer looks superb, check it out below.

HD higher quality versions available by heading to Yahoo Movies or by clicking the embedded trailer above for a larger version.


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Music - Interpol "The Heinrich Maneuver" Video

"OK, so we just got around to checking out the new video for Interpol’s single, “The Heinrich Maneuver.” When watching it, don’t freak out and think that time has slowed down, as the clip really is at that speed. We won’t spoil the ending for you, but when the chick gets… wait… just watch it for yourself. We’re looking forward to getting this on DVD where we can speed it up to real time. Their latest album, Our Love To Admire, hits stores on July 10. "

"The Heinrich Maneuver"

Directed by E. Elias Merhige, "The Heinrich Maneuver" is the first single from Interpol's third album, Our Love to Admire. A lot of people seem to hate the video, but I personally like it. I also enjoy the song a lot, even more than the other three tracks I heard from the new album. Enjoy.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Movies - Stylish "Blood Brothers" (Tian tang kou) trailers

"There are two trailers for Tian tang kou (Blood Brothers) from Alexi Tan that have caught my eye. The film is set in Shanghai during the 1930's and is inspired by John Woo's classic film Bullet in the Head.

It's a slick looking film with some strong action and some extremely stylish looking shots and it promises to try to be an epic film. It does look great. The cast looks strong too, something that you can see from the trailer itself. Not only is Alexi Tan helming, but John Woo and Terence Chang are producing.

The trailer is over at the Blood Brothers official site through Cinemasie and Twitch"

I came across these trailers the other day, no other movie blog sites I visit posted them which was odd. Anyway, I never heard of this movie before, but the trailers look very good. I'm a big fan of Asian cinema and this film looks like it's going to be great.

Click here to check out the trailers from the Blood Brothers official site.


Monday, June 25, 2007

Movies - Tarantino to make "Kill Bill" 3 and 4

"According to Bennett Walsh, an executive producer of both "Kill Bill" movies, the plots for two more movies have been shaped and there is a chance that director Quentin Tarantino may return to China to shoot them.

Walsh said that the third film involves the revenge of two killers whose arms and eyes were hacked by Uma Thurman in the first stories. While, the fourth installment concerns a cycle of reprisals and daughters who avenge their mother's deaths.

At this point, it is not clear whether the scripts for the films are complete or how soon Tarantino plans to begin shooting. Last we heard, he was planning "Inglorious Bastards" as his next project."

Awesome news, though Tarantino is notorious for talking about tons of upcoming projects; most of which never happen. I'm a huge fan of the "Kill Bill" movies and I would be very excited to see two more; the plot details he announced sound great. The third film being about the revenge of two of the mutilated victims of the Crazy 88’s from the awesome House of Blue Leaves scene in Kill Bill Vol. 1, and the fourth film being about the daughters of Beatrix Kiddo and Vernita Green. The whole idea of the fourth film, with the battle of the two daughters, Tarantino has mentioned wanting to do before. Overall great news, I would like to see these films get made.


Sunday, June 24, 2007

Music - M. Ward "Chinese Translation" Video

Nothing new I feel like posting today, so enjoy this beautiful video/song from M. Ward, entitled "Chinese Translation" from his newest CD "Post-War". Fantastic CD. I found this video on Digg a few weeks back, never got around to posting it. Awesome, beautiful, amazing, enjoy.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Video Games - First 'Call of Duty 4' Multiplayer Video

This is the first clip (as far as I know) showcasing multiplayer gameplay in 'Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare', and it looks hot. Enjoy the short and sweet video above, I can't wait for this game.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Music - New Bright Eyes Video - "Hot Knives"

"Conor once again enlists the estimable Patrick Daughters to produce his vid for a standout from Cassadaga, and Oberst is granted his request that this studio-performance clip kindly not include a trash-chucking crowd thank you very much. But Daughters does bring back the tight, Bright face shots; swells the ranks of Oberst's Eyes to include a sweet string section; and keeps 'em all in their tour-standard white-on-white. Conor won't confess to being "fucked" this go around, so crank it up and let the kids in the room, as long as seeing Conor's locks won't be too traumatizing for them."

The song's alright, the video's alright, but nothing amazing. Bright Eyes is a fantastic band though and I'm enjoying their newest album "Cassadaga". I'm not a big fan of them censoring lyrics in the vid, but it's understandable, enjoy the new video above.


Video Games - New GTA IV Details

"More details about Rockstar's massively anticipated sequel, Grand Theft Auto IV, have surfaced in the Turkish Official Xbox Magazine. Some highlights:

  • A slight vibration can be felt with every footstep when Niko runs.
  • Niko doesn't get tired - he can run forever, it just wont be as fast as previously.
  • The HUD has been removed. No health or armor indicators. Everything is visual. For example, armor is actually a bulletproof vest that visually deteriorates.
  • The flame thrower and rocket launcher are still in the game.
  • Explosions are larger than ever, and there is a mission in the game based on creating a chain of car explosions.
  • Cars don't explode unless they should. Crashing won't blow up a car - but a rocket launcher will.
  • Time-sensitive events. Example - a mission goal is to catch the train at 7pm. If the player is late, then that particular mission is NEVER available again.
  • Gore is back and better - blood appears at wound sites, enemies limp if shot in the leg, hold arm if shot there. Apparently running someone over is "disturbing."
  • No eating, girlfriends, or keeping fit, but skills improve over time (driving, etc).
  • Secret vehicles and “plenty of goodies” at 100% completion. No more details given.
  • Land size is bigger than the 3 cities in GTA:SA.
  • Graphics are better than Saints Row - draw distance is to the horizon.
That's all for now. The new trailer will be on Rockstar's website on June 28th."

Can't wait for this next-gen GTA game, new details are leaking out very often and they all sound awesome. I'll be sure to post the new trailer when it hits the web on June 28th.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Movies - "Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair" Hits DVD

"There are certain movies out there that make us wonder how they would look when they hit DVD, and would we get a different version than the one shown at the theaters. When Christopher Nolan's "Memento" was released, I was hoping that the DVD would also include a version which is played in chronological order. "Grindhouse" is now being released separately on DVD, which is different from its theatrical showing. And what about "Kill Bill"? Will we ever get a special edition DVD which would merge both Volume 1 and Volume 2 into one film, like Quentin Tarantino originally intended?

According to Amazon, via Slashfilm, The Weinstein Company along with Genius Products are doing just that and will release "Kill Bill - The Whole Bloody Affair" DVD set on November 6th. The set will consist of four discs for a total runtime of 247 minutes and will be rated NC-17.

In the "Kill Bill" films, the Bride (Uma Thurman) wakes up after a long coma. The baby that she carried before entering the coma is gone. The only thing on her mind is to have revenge on the assassination team that betrayed her - a team she was once part of."

Two words: Fuck Yes. I had posted about the rumor that it might be finally coming out a little while back; looks like the rumor was mostly true, the release date would be the only difference. I'm extremely excited for this personally. I have been waiting for this DVD since the movies first came out. Kill Bill, for whatever reason, is one of my favorite films. November 6th can't come soon enough.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Music - Three Tunes From Interpol's "Our Love To Admire" Album

"Rest My Chemistry"

"All Fired Up"


Interpol's newest album "Our Love to Admire" is due out July 10, 2007. Sounding good so far, I can't wait for the rest of the album. Enjoy the three tracks above.


Video Games - New 'Call of Duty 4' gameplay footage

Some pre-Alpha gameplay footage from the latest Call of Duty game: 'Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare' has surfaced, and it looks simply amazing. What's even more amazing is that it's apparently running on Xbox 360 in the video. A lot of people are speculating it to be the best looking game for the 360, even better than Gears of War. I was pretty excited when the first trailer surfaced, but now I'm fucking pumped; this game looks sick. Call of Duty 4 is hitting the PS3, PC, and Xbox 360 I believe later this year, keep a look out. Enjoy the video above, and don't forget an extra pair of pants.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Video - Dramatic Prairie Dog

The best 5 second clip on the internet:

And thus a new Internet craze begins. Be sure to check out for tons of hilarious remixes, or simply search youtube.

Music - Preview New Radiohead Tracks

"Uber-producer and longtime Radiohead collaborator Nigel Godrich posted some interesting snippets from Radiohead's upcoming LP number seven. The as-yet-untitled album still has no release date, nor do we know which record label (if any) will be putting the record in stores. You'll hear bits of "Open Pick," "All I Need," "Down Is The New Up," "Arpeggi" and "Bangers N' Mash." Sounds like this new album could be a doozy.

About the clips, Godrich said: "I keep bits of tape which have been chopped out of the mixes when they were edited .. stick em on a reel.. when you play it back it sounds like.. this."

You can listen to them on Dead Air Space, or via the YouTube link below."

Via stereogum:
"Of course it'd be entirely irresponsible and unwarranted to base any sort of opinion on such detritus, but whatever it is we're hearing at the :32/:44 second marks is gonna be the best song ever."

"And there's another version replacing the charming tape reel and Nigel's hands for screens flashing possible song titles (the best song ever is referred to as "All I Need," which works both as a title and a statement of fact)."

Radiohead is quite possibly my favorite band ever and these tiny clips from the cutting room floor are like table scraps that are feeding my poor hungry soul for new Radiohead. Even though it's hard to make out what any of these full songs will sound like, what I hear in these clips has big potential in my mind and I think this is going to be another phenomenal album from the greatest music artist of our generation (ok, that's saying a lot, but I did mention Radiohead is possibly my favorite band, right?).


Monday, June 18, 2007

Music - New Menomena Video - "Rotten Hell"

"Rotten Hell" = 300 with food and kids instead of pecs and quads.

cool song, cool video, enjoy.


Movies - Jackie Earle Haley is Rorschach and Patrick Wilson is Nite Owl in "Watchmen"?

Via WorstPreviews:
"Actor Paddy Considine (Hot Fuzz) has revealed on his official fan site that he is no longer attached to play the antihero Rorsharch in Zack Snydder's adaptation of "Watchmen." Instead, that part has now gone to Jackie Earle Haley.

Haley recently received an Oscar nomination for his role in "Little Children," and has also starred in the "All the King's Men" remake.

The story of the Watchmen takes place during the time when super-heroes are banned, but one group of costumed heroes must resume their old identities and work together to save a doomed Earth from a mysterious force.

Filming is scheduled to begin in September in Vancouver, hoping to release the movie sometime in 2008."

"SuperHeroHype! spoke to Patrick Wilson (Hard Candy) to find out whether there is any truth to him taking the role of Nite Owl in Zach Snyder's adaptation of Alan Moore's "Watchmen."

While he never actually confirmed his participation, his hints were enough to get the message across. "I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about this stuff," explained Wilson. "It's been confirmed on a lot of websites, I'll just say that."

Judging by most of the interview, Wilson is extremely excited about the project and is very well aware of the material. "Both the movie script and the original graphic novel is pretty phenomenal writing."

And the last hint dropped that confirms that he is on board: "It's just out of respect for them trying to get everybody else on board before I go ahead and blab my mouth."

I think it's pretty clear that we will be seeing Wilson in the film, and it's just a matter of time before more of the cast are announced."

Awesome news all around. Even though it's not 100% confirmed that Wilson will be in "Watchmen", based on his comments one can assume that it's basically confirmed. Another star of the amazing movie "Little Children", who has apparently been offered a role as well, is Jackie Earle Haley. If you haven't seen "Little Children", I strongly recommend you do. It's a fantastic movie that reminds me of one of my favorite movies ever: "American Beauty". Wilson and Haley are both in the movie and Haley's performance is superb; if you're not weirded out by his character and some of the extremely awkward gut-wrenching moments he has, I dunno what to say. All in all, "Watchmen" is shaping up very nicely as far as the cast goes, in my opinion, I can't wait to see this movie.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Music - Bat For Lashes "What's a Girl To Do" Video

Very cool Bat for Lashes video that I came across thanks to Digg. It reminds me of the movie Donnie Darko in a way (which happens to be essentially my personal absolute favorite movie) and some people think the video was inspired by the film; possibly done as an ode to it, or it of course could just be coincidences. The bicycles, the hoodies, Halloween masks (the bunny one in particular =p), the car accident and etc. And on top of that, the band's myspace has listed "Donnie Darko" under influences. Overall, the video is very cool and the song itself is awesome, enjoy.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Movies - Amazing "3:10 to Yuma" Trailer

"Russell Crowe continues making incredible films by teaming up with some of Hollywood's best, and now the trailer for his "3:10 to Yuma" film has been released, which co-stars Christian Bale. The film revolves around a desperado who is caught by a sheriff determined to bring the outlaw in. The sheriff's plans go awry when the desperado's accomplices stage an ambush.

The trailer is intense from beginning to end as it shows a ruthless man (Crowe) being caught. The goal is to transport him to a train station, which will take him to face the court. Christian Bale's character joins this dangerous mission, and is joined by his son, who refuses to leave. As predicted, they are attacked and are now fighting for their lives.

"3:10 to Yuma" is a remake of 1957 film by the same name, and is scheduled to hit theaters on October 5th, 2007."

The trailer is very simple, and yet it's intense and dramatic. I really love Christian Bale and Russell Crowe, and now seeing them in a movie together is tremendous. I was never a huge fan of westerns, but every now and then one comes across that looks amazing; this is one of them. Enjoy the trailer below.

HD higher quality versions available by heading to Yahoo Movies or by clicking the embedded trailer above for a larger version.


Movies - Paul Thomas Anderson's "There Will Be Blood" Trailer

Via Obsessed With Film:
"Paul Thomas Anderson’s Magnolia split audiences right down the middle. I know people who love the movie and think it’s a remarkably emotional and important character drama but then again I know people who absolutely hate it and call it a pretentious piece of garbage with a criminal ending.

I’m somewhere in the middle. I find it emotionally draining to sit through the film in one go but I find the performance of the acting talent involved extremely rewarding and despite it’s clunky narrative, I think on the whole I liked it.

At least the movie had something to say anyway.

I’ve never seen his follow up Punch Drunk Love but I know a lot of critics love it which is quite an achievement considering it stars Adam Sandler.

So onto There Will Be Blood starring the awesome Daniel Day Lewis and a rather gripping trailer has been released below. It’s extremely effective and at the end of the day a movie with Daniel Day Lewis involved is so rare these days, so I have to see this, even if he does go bald for the flick…"

"Magnolia" is one of my favorite movies of all time. I can understand why some people didn't care for it (most simply didn't understand it), but myself, like many film enthusiasts, thought it was utterly amazing. "Punch-Drunk Love" and "Boogie Nights" are two more Paul Thomas Anderson films that are high up in my favorite movies of all time. On top of P.T. Anderson making phenomenal films, Daniel Day-Lewis is a fucking fantastic actor and is making me look forward to this movie even more. His relatively recent role in the movie "Gangs of New York" was top-notch and I look forward to seeing him in P.T. Anderson's next masterpiece.

"There Will Be Blood" is the story about family, greed, religion, and oil, centered around a turn-of-the-century Texas prospector (Daniel Day-Lewis) in the early days of the business. The film is based on the 1927 Upton Sinclair novel titled "Oil," and is scheduled to hit theaters on November 21st, in limited release. Enjoy the trailer below.


Friday, June 15, 2007

Movies - Keanu Reeves Rejects "Watchmen" Role

"Club-Keanu spoke to Keanu Reeves' manager, who informed the site that Reeves has been offered a role in Zack Snyder's "Watchmen," but turned it down. For more on this, visit the site.

Earlier we reported that Keanu Reeves was being looked at to play Dr. Jon Osterman, a.k.a. the god-like Dr. Manhattan. Reeves is a self-proclaimed comic book fan who wanted to play Wolverine in the "X-Men" movies and was once rumored for the Silver Surfer.

The story is about a time when super-heroes are banned, but one group of costumed heroes must resume their old identities and work together to save a doomed Earth from a mysterious force."

Well, that's some good news in my opinion. I had reported almost a month ago about the casting rumors, and Keanu was the only 'iffy' one that I wasn't sure he would be worthy to be in the "Watchmen" film. The fan site is presumably very reliable, so I'd say it's true, and if anything, it's a good thing.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Movies - Intense "No Country for Old Men" Trailer

"After seeing a few quick clips from the upcoming Coen brothers' (Fargo) movie "No Country for Old Men," the studio has now decided to release the trailer.

Set in West Texas in 1980, the story is about a young Vietnam vet who stumbles over the remnants of a drug deal gone bad. He's hunted by two extremely vicious assassins who want the money back. The film stars Woody Harrelson and Tommy Lee Jones.

Javier Bardem is easily becoming one of the most creepy individuals, as he tortures Natalie Portman's character in "Goya's Ghosts," and is now portraying a ruthless assassin, very convincingly. "No Country for Old Men" hits theaters November 9th, in limited release."

The Coen Brothers are known for fantastic movies such as Fargo, Raising Arizona, O'Brother Where Art Thou?, and The Big Lebowski to name a few. Fargo is easily one of my personal favorite movies, and this film looks to be taking the same visual approach of showing wide expanses. With such an amazing cast, great plot, awesome trailer, and the fact that it's a frickin' Coen Brothers film, I'm very much looking forward to this movie. Enjoy the trailer below.

To watch it in higher resolution, head to IGN.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Movies - Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair released in September?

"Two of my favourite DVD’s are the Japanese uncut versions of Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2 that I own.

I watch them all the time, I’m addicted to the film. My girlfriend’s the same. I think we have decided to watch both films around four times in the last 18 months and I dread to think how many times I’ve watched it on my own.

The Japanese addition of the DVD has a couple of more scenes that were cut out of the Western release of the film, including the “colour” fight scene at the House of Blue Leaves that were black and white in other versions.

There’s also a couple of extra’s and such.

Anyway, for a long time we have heard about director Quentin Tarantino releasing a special 4 Disc Special Edition of the movie that would re-cut them together as one film, 100% uncut and contain a shit load of extra’s. Finally it looks like it could be happening.

An article at TCM found through Everything Tarantino, has this set listed for a 18th September release but no other websites across the web have this info.

However, the only thing that will make me double dip here is if Quentin does a commentary which I’m really hoping he will. I loved his track on Tony Scott’s movie True Romance which he wrote, they are so entertaining but he just doesn’t bother doing them for his own movies.

In an update on yesterday’s news, Amazon are now listing the Death Proof DVD on their site, with Everything Tarantino speculating it will be a 2 Disc release containing both the theatrical cut and the longer version that was screened at Cannes.

That is also said to have an 18th September release, which really does add fuel to the fire that the Kill Bill set would be released on the same day."

Taken from Obsessed With Film, I saw this article the other day and was waiting to see if any other movie blogs would post about it, but none of the ones I visit did, so I guess you can file this under 'rumor'. The Kill Bill movies are 2 of my personal absolute favorite movies. I own both the bare-bones U.S. DVD versions of the films and have been waiting and waiting for Tarantino to release the 'holy shit edition' of the movies. So when I saw this article it put a smile on my face and I really hope this rumor is true. If it indeed is released on September 18th, that would make that day pretty epic, with the Death Proof DVD supposedly coming out on that same day as well.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Video Games - Boy defends PS3 with samurai sword

"Damian Fernandez, a teen with a brown belt in karate, was home alone with his sister Deanne when burglars broke into the house. What these two intruders didn't know, however, was that no man, woman or child would give up a PS3 - not when it might have games one day.

As Deanne hid in a closet, the burglars helped themselves to some jewelry from the parents' room before discovering an empty PS3 box. By this time, however, Damian had woken up and was prepared for them, having jumped from his bunk bed clutching ancient Japanese weaponry in hand. When one of the would-be PlayStation thieves came his way, Damian made his move, striking him in the chest and attacking his weak point for massive damage. "He freaked out," Damian told Was he really? There's a surprise.

The burglar, 21 year old Javier Cotera, panicked and ran, escaping the house while being chased down the street by the sword wielding teenager. Eventually a police K-9 unit located the, likely humiliated, Cotera hiding behind a palm tree, though the second man got away.

And you guys call yourselves hardcore gamers? This kid is made from a most epic strain of win."

This news story was all over Digg and several video game blogs today, so I was compelled to post it. I chose the Destructoid write-up due to the epic picture and wording. To see the news video from the original source, head here.


Monday, June 11, 2007

Movies - Timur Bekmambetov Talks "Wanted"

"MTV News spoke to Russian director Timur Bekmambetov, the man behind the "Night Watch"/"Day Watch" films, who revealed a few details about his upcoming American film, "Wanted."

Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman, Common and James McAvoy are just a few of the high-powered stars who hunted down Bekmambetov when they heard he was making "Wanted," a slick comic book thriller that's been called a "Watchmen" for supervillains.

"'Wanted' is the story of a young boy who discovers that his father is a member of an evil organization that controls the world — when he gets killed, the boy wants revenge," said the director. "It's a comic book movie, but it looks real."

"Young people will like [McAvoy's Wesley Gibson] because he is very sarcastic, very smart, very provocative and very solid as a character," the filmmaker continued. "Angelina has a lot of interesting dramatic moments with James. They will love each other, and they will hate each other. She's a teacher who will bring James into this world and teach him how to be different, be a killer."

Along the way, Wesley will also encounter the Gunsmith, a tough-guy character played by actor/rapper Common. "We shot him today, in a scene with a gun," Bekmambetov said excitedly. "He teaches people how to use guns. He's a professional gunman."

Finally, Bekmambetov added that the film is on track to meet its release date of March 28th, 2008."

I haven't read "Wanted", but if it's being compared to "Watchmen", only with supervillains, I definitely think I'll be giving it a read. Bekmambetov was the man behind "Night Watch", and if you haven't seen it yet, I definitely would recommended it; just make sure you watch the Russian audio version that has the 'animated' subtitles. Saying that the subtitles are the coolest, most creative, awesome, amazing subtitles I have ever seen is an understatement; they fucking make the film, and if you watch the movie without those subtitles you're missing out big time. I haven't seen "Day Watch" yet, but I've been pumped for it ever since I saw "Night Watch" and saw the sick trailer for "Day Watch". With the Director of the fantastic 'Russian Night Watch trilogy' doing a film based on the 'Watchmen for supervillains' comic book AND having an incredible cast to go along with it, I can't help but be a bit excited for this movie.


Movies - "Grindhouse" Split on DVD

Via: FilmWad

"Lets be honest, Grindhouse just didn't get treated the way it should have. It did poorly it's opening weekend, and the Weinsteins freaked, pulled out their Freddy Kruger gloves and started cutting the hell out of anything that got in their way. What we ended up with was the two films split from their original context, robbing them of their intended purpose (the, ahem, GRINDHOUSE experience) and making the experience of viewing the films less enjoyable.

Many thought the Weinsteins would fix this problem on DVD, but alas, 'twill not be the case. Reports are coming out that The Weinstein Co. and Genius Entertainment will distribute the films separately starting with Tarantino's Death Proof on September 18th. Surely this'll be the bloated extended cut of the film, which isn't entirely a bad thing. No word on Rodriguez's Planet Terror, but expect it to drop within the following month.

Also to expect? The fact that both these DVDs will have one featurette and a trailer and will cost over twenty dollars. Three months after the release of Planet Terror Weinstein will release a statement about pleasing the fans and then release the inevitable stacked DVD with both films in their original formats. God. Damn. Double. Dips. "
Fucking WOW. This really sucks for the people who missed the film as the full "double feature" in theaters, and it still sucks for people who were planning on buying Grindhouse on DVD, expecting it to be both movies. Now I wasn't getting my hopes up for a 'holy shit' edition DVD for the first release, but I was atleast hoping for it to be both movies played back-to-back with the trailers included. It's nice that they're probably going to be decking out the individual DVD releases with extras as well as the extended, and maybe "restored", versions of the film atleast (*crosses fingers*), which means I'll probably end up buying them even if I have to double-dip later on for a better 'definitive' DVD. If it's nearly bare-bones, without the extended and restored versions of the films, there's really no reason at all to purchase it, but surely Rodriguez and Tarantino won't disappoint.


Video - Automated Phone Sex

Auto Phone Sex

Another absolutely hilarious video from, enjoy.

Music - Gnarls Barkley 'Crazy' on Theremin - Video

This video is an experiment to see how rapidly the theremin can be injected into the world's collective consciousness. It's amazing that not everyone knows what a theremin is. It was the first electronic musical instrument and it was invented in 1919. Are Cee-Lo and Danger Mouse from Gnarls Barkley really theremin players? There's only one way to find out!
Fucking awesome. If you don't know what a theremin is, look it up. All you need to know is that it's a "touchless" instrument and is extremly hard to play; atleast to make it sound good. This video is impressive, and the fact that Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy" is a fucking awesome song adds to it.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Music - The Cribs "Men's Needs" Video

"Men's Needs" is the first single from The Cribs's third album Men's Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever, which was released on 14th May 2007. This video was banned from MTV2 due to the graphic violence because it was "too shocking for a daytime audience", which is some BS. Anyway, enjoy the video below, the song itself kicks major ass. (be sure to check two seconds before the end of the video for a surprise)

The Cribs - "Men's Needs" (Black Box Version)

The alternate "cleaner" version of this video can be found here. It features the girl wearing a bathing suit and doesn't include the "graphic" scenes and such.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Movies - "The Invasion" Trailer Released

"The long overdue trailer for the upcoming sci-fi film "The Invasion" has been released. In the movie, a Washington psychiatrist (Nicole Kidman) unearths the origin of an alien epidemic, she also discovers her son might be the only way it can be stopped.

The trailer shows Kidman fighting for her life and the life of her child, who has become infected. While everyone around her seems to want to harm her, at the same time it seems to be a quick and pleasant "transformation" to become one of them and get even closer to the end of the world.

Kidman is joined by two "Casino Royale" stars, Daniel Craig and Jeffrey Wright. "The Invasion" hits theaters on August 17th."

Tons of new movie trailers seem to be pouring in lately, I haven't even posted all the ones I came across, just some of the ones I felt were more appealing and worth watching. This trailer really pulled me in when I heard Sigur Rós's "Untitled #8" (a.k.a. "Popplagið", which means "The Pop Song") from their untitled album "( )". Such a great band that has had their music featured in other great films like "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" and "Vanilla Sky".

I've heard some mix things about this latest Invasion of the Bodysnatches remake, including that it was supposedly (depending on what sources you read) so troubled that Joel Silver brought The Wachowski Brothers (of Matrix fame) in to re-write and re-shoot a big chunk of the film. I'm personally excited for the movie, any trailer with Sigur Rós in it gets my thumbs up (the last one being Children of Men), I sure hope the movie doesn't suck. Enjoy the trailer below.


Friday, June 8, 2007

Movies - Amazing "I Am Legend" Trailer

"The trailer for the Will Smith's sci-fi thriller "I Am Legend" has been released. In it, we see humanity fighting for survival, which results in Robert Neville (Smith) becoming the last person on earth. What he quickly finds out is that he might be the last person on earth, but he is not alone.

After the plague has swept the planet and left only one survivor, it also created the living dead vampires, who are strengthless, but press on Neville from every side, with one mission... to destroy him.

Directed by Francis Lawrence (Constantine), the film hits theaters on December 14th."

Very cool trailer that has the same atmosphere that the opening of "28 Days Later" did with the abandoned city and such, only difference is that this film looks to be using CGI. I was a huge fan of films like "28 Days Later" that captured the feeling of being alone and "Vanilla Sky" with the scene where he's running around the empty Times Square; this trailer brought back some memories of those scenes in a very simple way without giving a whole lot away. It's hard to judge if this movie will be good or not on a trailer, but I'm hoping it won't disappoint.

Click here to check out the trailer in QuickTime over at Apple Movie Trailers [QT:iPod:S:M:L:480p:720p:1080p].


Movies - Intense "Vantage Point" Trailer

"The trailer for the suspenseful film "Vantage Point" has been released. In it, we see lots of intense action and lots of intense screaming as the two Secret Service agents (Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox) scramble to put a puzzle together and figure out who shot the President. Here is a more detailed plot synopsis:

Thomas Barnes (Quaid) and Kent Taylor (Fox), are two Secret Service agents assigned to protect President Ashton (William Hurt) at a landmark summit on the global war on terror. When President Ashton is shot moments after his arrival in Spain, chaos ensues and disparate lives collide. In the crowd is Howard Lewis (Forest Whitaker) an American tourist video taping the historic event to show his kids when he returns home. Also there is Rex (Sigourney Weaver) an American TV news producer who is reporting on the conference. It's only as we follow each person's perspective of the same 15 minutes prior to and immediately after the shooting that the terrifying truth behind the assassination attempt is revealed.
The film hits theaters on February 15th, 2008."

The trailer for this film is fucking intense, filled with tension and excitement. Perhaps one of the best trailers I have seen recently, it really pulls you in and makes you hope the film is as good as the trailer. Packed with an amazing cast of actors, this is a movie to definitely look forward to. You can view the trailer by heading over to MSN Video [WMV:Embed].


Movies - Clive Owen Signed Up for "Shoot 'Em Up" Sequels

"ESB got the chance to speak to the "Shoot 'Em Up" director Michael Davis, who revealed that Clive Owen has signed on to do two "Shoot 'Em Up" sequels.

Apparently, Davis already has a script that could easily be adapted to be a follow up to the yet-to-be released film. At this point there are no plans to do create a sequel, and Davis doesn't even know if it will be a sequel at all, or a whole new film.

No news on whether Monica Belluci or Paul Giamatti will be returning if the sequels were to happen.

"Shoot 'Em Up" revolves around a man named Mr. Smith (Owen), who delivers a woman's baby during a shootout, and is then called upon to protect the newborn from the army of gunmen. The film hits theaters on September 7th."

Wow, the film hasn't even been released yet and there's already talk of sequels. Let us hope that the first film is as good as it looks and does well at the box office. From what I have been reading, it's going to be a homage to "Sergio Leone, John Woo, and Looney Tunes," featuring scenes that involve a baby getting its umbilical cord shot off, a man being stabbed in the throat by a carrot, and more crazy scenes like that. If done right, I think this movie could be fucking awesome. I had posted the new kick-ass trailer for this movie the other day, check it out here.