Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Movies - Eli Roth Talks "Grindhouse" Sequel

Slashfilm spoke to "Hostel" director Eli Roth about a possible sequel to "Grindhouse," which would be a feature length film based on his "Thanksgiving" faux trailer.

"It would be something I'd do in between projects, but I'm actually writing it with my friend Jeff just to have it ready," explained Roth. "The first Grindhouse cost almost 70 million dollars. So I'm like, we should do it like Dogma 95 and call it Dogshit 2007, where you get half a million bucks and six days and no rehearsals. We'd have to list out crazy rules but we still want to do it. I've talked about doing it as a 45 minute movie with just so many missing reels."

"And I talked to Quentin and Robert. They said 'We gotta f*cking do that man, that will be great!'," added Roth.

Whether this will ever become reality is unclear, but a low budget "Grindhouse" sequel is sure to make its money back, even as a straight to DVD release.
This is a really great idea. It's sad the original Grindhouse movie did so poorly at the box office, and I can see studios being weary about funding another one for that much money, but any studio would greenlight a film like this for two million dollars or so; it's basically guaranteed to make its money back.


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