Monday, June 25, 2007

Movies - Tarantino to make "Kill Bill" 3 and 4

"According to Bennett Walsh, an executive producer of both "Kill Bill" movies, the plots for two more movies have been shaped and there is a chance that director Quentin Tarantino may return to China to shoot them.

Walsh said that the third film involves the revenge of two killers whose arms and eyes were hacked by Uma Thurman in the first stories. While, the fourth installment concerns a cycle of reprisals and daughters who avenge their mother's deaths.

At this point, it is not clear whether the scripts for the films are complete or how soon Tarantino plans to begin shooting. Last we heard, he was planning "Inglorious Bastards" as his next project."

Awesome news, though Tarantino is notorious for talking about tons of upcoming projects; most of which never happen. I'm a huge fan of the "Kill Bill" movies and I would be very excited to see two more; the plot details he announced sound great. The third film being about the revenge of two of the mutilated victims of the Crazy 88’s from the awesome House of Blue Leaves scene in Kill Bill Vol. 1, and the fourth film being about the daughters of Beatrix Kiddo and Vernita Green. The whole idea of the fourth film, with the battle of the two daughters, Tarantino has mentioned wanting to do before. Overall great news, I would like to see these films get made.


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