Monday, June 11, 2007

Movies - "Grindhouse" Split on DVD

Via: FilmWad

"Lets be honest, Grindhouse just didn't get treated the way it should have. It did poorly it's opening weekend, and the Weinsteins freaked, pulled out their Freddy Kruger gloves and started cutting the hell out of anything that got in their way. What we ended up with was the two films split from their original context, robbing them of their intended purpose (the, ahem, GRINDHOUSE experience) and making the experience of viewing the films less enjoyable.

Many thought the Weinsteins would fix this problem on DVD, but alas, 'twill not be the case. Reports are coming out that The Weinstein Co. and Genius Entertainment will distribute the films separately starting with Tarantino's Death Proof on September 18th. Surely this'll be the bloated extended cut of the film, which isn't entirely a bad thing. No word on Rodriguez's Planet Terror, but expect it to drop within the following month.

Also to expect? The fact that both these DVDs will have one featurette and a trailer and will cost over twenty dollars. Three months after the release of Planet Terror Weinstein will release a statement about pleasing the fans and then release the inevitable stacked DVD with both films in their original formats. God. Damn. Double. Dips. "
Fucking WOW. This really sucks for the people who missed the film as the full "double feature" in theaters, and it still sucks for people who were planning on buying Grindhouse on DVD, expecting it to be both movies. Now I wasn't getting my hopes up for a 'holy shit' edition DVD for the first release, but I was atleast hoping for it to be both movies played back-to-back with the trailers included. It's nice that they're probably going to be decking out the individual DVD releases with extras as well as the extended, and maybe "restored", versions of the film atleast (*crosses fingers*), which means I'll probably end up buying them even if I have to double-dip later on for a better 'definitive' DVD. If it's nearly bare-bones, without the extended and restored versions of the films, there's really no reason at all to purchase it, but surely Rodriguez and Tarantino won't disappoint.


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