Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Music - Preview New Radiohead Tracks

"Uber-producer and longtime Radiohead collaborator Nigel Godrich posted some interesting snippets from Radiohead's upcoming LP number seven. The as-yet-untitled album still has no release date, nor do we know which record label (if any) will be putting the record in stores. You'll hear bits of "Open Pick," "All I Need," "Down Is The New Up," "Arpeggi" and "Bangers N' Mash." Sounds like this new album could be a doozy.

About the clips, Godrich said: "I keep bits of tape which have been chopped out of the mixes when they were edited .. stick em on a reel.. when you play it back it sounds like.. this."

You can listen to them on Dead Air Space, or via the YouTube link below."

Via stereogum:
"Of course it'd be entirely irresponsible and unwarranted to base any sort of opinion on such detritus, but whatever it is we're hearing at the :32/:44 second marks is gonna be the best song ever."

"And there's another version replacing the charming tape reel and Nigel's hands for screens flashing possible song titles (the best song ever is referred to as "All I Need," which works both as a title and a statement of fact)."

Radiohead is quite possibly my favorite band ever and these tiny clips from the cutting room floor are like table scraps that are feeding my poor hungry soul for new Radiohead. Even though it's hard to make out what any of these full songs will sound like, what I hear in these clips has big potential in my mind and I think this is going to be another phenomenal album from the greatest music artist of our generation (ok, that's saying a lot, but I did mention Radiohead is possibly my favorite band, right?).


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