Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Movies - Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair released in September?

"Two of my favourite DVD’s are the Japanese uncut versions of Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2 that I own.

I watch them all the time, I’m addicted to the film. My girlfriend’s the same. I think we have decided to watch both films around four times in the last 18 months and I dread to think how many times I’ve watched it on my own.

The Japanese addition of the DVD has a couple of more scenes that were cut out of the Western release of the film, including the “colour” fight scene at the House of Blue Leaves that were black and white in other versions.

There’s also a couple of extra’s and such.

Anyway, for a long time we have heard about director Quentin Tarantino releasing a special 4 Disc Special Edition of the movie that would re-cut them together as one film, 100% uncut and contain a shit load of extra’s. Finally it looks like it could be happening.

An article at TCM found through Everything Tarantino, has this set listed for a 18th September release but no other websites across the web have this info.

However, the only thing that will make me double dip here is if Quentin does a commentary which I’m really hoping he will. I loved his track on Tony Scott’s movie True Romance which he wrote, they are so entertaining but he just doesn’t bother doing them for his own movies.

In an update on yesterday’s news, Amazon are now listing the Death Proof DVD on their site, with Everything Tarantino speculating it will be a 2 Disc release containing both the theatrical cut and the longer version that was screened at Cannes.

That is also said to have an 18th September release, which really does add fuel to the fire that the Kill Bill set would be released on the same day."

Taken from Obsessed With Film, I saw this article the other day and was waiting to see if any other movie blogs would post about it, but none of the ones I visit did, so I guess you can file this under 'rumor'. The Kill Bill movies are 2 of my personal absolute favorite movies. I own both the bare-bones U.S. DVD versions of the films and have been waiting and waiting for Tarantino to release the 'holy shit edition' of the movies. So when I saw this article it put a smile on my face and I really hope this rumor is true. If it indeed is released on September 18th, that would make that day pretty epic, with the Death Proof DVD supposedly coming out on that same day as well.


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