Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Video Games - No Final Fantasy For Xbox 360

Via Joystiq's PS3 Fanboy:
"Square Enix is just laying down the smack this week. After confirming yersterday that FFVII isn't being made, they've come out and stated that they are not working on a single Final Fantasy game for the Xbox 360. In an interview with the Japanese Business website Nikkei BP, Square Enix executive Hashimito dropped the bomb. When the site asked if the Wii or The Xbox 360 are going to get any Final Fantasy games, Hashimito responded, "For the Wii, we have FF Crystal Chronicles in production," replied Hashimoto. "As for FF on the Xbox 360, it's currently a completely blank page."

Ouch -- well that pretty much debunks the ongoing 'Final Fantasy XIII OMGZ Xbox 360' rumors right there. While it seems unlikely that the Xbox 360 will never get another FF game, it appears that for the foreseeable future the PlayStation 3 will be getting all the big name Final Fantasy love. This is fantastic news for Sony and the PlayStation 3, since not only is there a 'slight' dearth of big name third-party exclusives, but also both Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X both helped skyrocket the sales of the PlayStation systems that they were on. And it seems very likely that the same thing will happen with PlayStation 3 sales once FFXIII is released.

Mmm ... the idea that FFXIII is being built exclusively around the PS3 and Blu-ray is pretty exciting. That just makes the wait until next year that much harder though!"

Yea, this is pretty big news. There was a lot of rumors going around that FFXIII would be heading to the Xbox 360, just like a lot of other PS3 third-party titles, but Square-Enix just squashed that rumor. This is great news for PS3 owners because FFXIII and etc. will be built specifically for the PS3 hardware, taking use of the cell processor and not being toned-down to work on the Xbox 360. However, this is bad news for Xbox 360 owners who were hoping to be able to play this third-party game just like Devil May Cry 4 and etc.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.