Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Movies - George Lucas calls "Spider-Man 3" "silly," still planning more "Star Wars" films

Via FilmWad:
"I don't know if you've noticed it, but George Lucas has been pretty funny recently. First he does a "Robot Chicken" episode, then he does a "turn off your cell phones" "Star Wars" spoof…now he's cracking jokes to the media.

When Lucas spoke to Fox News recently, he was cracking on "Spider-Man 3." Says Lucas: '"It's silly. It's a silly movie. There just isn't much there. Once you take it all apart, there's not much story, is there?"'

Oh George. What about Episode 1 and 2? They weren't silly? Jar Jar Binks wasn't…silly? Oh…you slay me.

Lucas went on to crack on Steven Spielberg for attempting to hide details of Indy 4 and then told the reporters he plans on two more live-action "Star Wars" films, both an hour long, not involving the Skywalker family and are intended for TV.

Again…George, you're too funny. You love destroying your own legacy. It's so cute."

I honestly couldn't agree more with Lucas about "Spider-Man 3" being a tad silly. If you didn't notice by my recent "Spider-Man 3" posts, I didn't like the movie all that much either. However the soundtrack is very very good, so atleast one good thing came from this movie; the movie itself and the video games being the bad.


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