Friday, May 25, 2007

Movies - Trent Reznor's "Year Zero" Film

According to The Herald Sun, Trent Reznor of the band Nine Inch Nails is looking to turn his latest album "Year Zero" into a film.

"Some interesting things have come up in terms of turning this into another format of entertainment, like a television show or a movie," said Reznor. "I've had some meetings with A-list people I'm interested in possibly working with."

A-list people could mean anyone, but looking at his past relationships, one can see that he has worked with some talented folks. Mark Romanek (One Hour Photo) shot his famous "Closer" video and David Fincher (Fight Club) did the video for "Only."
While just a rumor, I think this could be a great step for Trent Reznor. "Year Zero" is a concept album and covers some really deep issues and themes; I could see it being turned into a film and I would definitely be interested in seeing it.


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