Friday, May 11, 2007

Video Games - 'Kung Fu Hustle' MMO Coming

"Sony Online announced they are developing a massive-multiplayer game based on martial arts movie Kung Fu Hustle.

Sony says the game will combine the best elements of classic fighting games from the past with compelling character designs, new technology and trademark humor from the movie for a "new generation of gamers."

The game will feature a branching story mode where players hone kung fu skills against a number of enemies, including many from the film itself, including Sin, the Sidekick, the Landlady, and the Beast.

Players can also take part in a head to head versus mode for up to eight players, cooperate with friends to learn new moves, and observe other matches to size up potential opponents."

Great freakin movie, though I'm not too sure if a game based on it would be so great, and an MMO for that matter. A Kung-Fu MMO sounds really freakin awesome, so I could be wrong, and this could be the greatest MMO since WoW, who knows.


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