Saturday, May 5, 2007

Movies - "GrindHouse 2" by Eli Roth and Edgar Wright

"Despite problematic box office results, fans are still clamoring to see the fake trailers from "Grindhouse" as feature films. Edgar Wright has plans to expand "Don't," and Eli Roth thinks his "Thanksgiving" would make the perfect double feature.

"I already talked with Edgar Wright about Edgar doing 'Don't' and me doing 'Thanksgiving,'" said Roth. "We're talking to Dimension about it. I think they're still trying to figure out 'Grindhouse 1' before we think about 'Grindhouse 2,' but I've already been working on the outline for it and I would do it in a heartbeat."

An aficionado of '80s horror films, Roth would do it old school style. "The catch is that me and all my friends who are in our 30s, we all have to play high school students, because that's how they did it in '80s horror movies."

Roth could write a full script for "Thanksgiving," but the outline is likely to be sufficient. "We have the outline, the story ideas but part of the fun of Grindhouse is actually not having a script. I wouldn't want to write it too detailed. You've just got to work out the kills and then see who's around and grab a camera and have fun."

Regarding "Grindhouse," Roth feels that the film is too long, and that being the sole reason for its failure."

I really hope the bad box office results doesn't hurt the studio's decision to fund a "Grindhouse 2", though it probably will. It's sad Americans didn't flock to see Grindhouse and really missed out on the greatest movie theater experience of our generation.


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